Thursday, 8 November 2007

My deep Dream...

I would like to be a Good Teacher...

I am just finishing my second year of college and I'm going into the education field. Since I started this career I feel that is what I really want to do...

From my point of view, I think that teaching is a wonderful job. Is like no other profession because a Teacher is the person who raises our dreams. And as a future teacher, I would like to be like the best one, I would like to be the teacher that her students never forget her...

I remember that when I was at school I had a very good English teacher, her name is Cecilia, wellknown as Miss Cecili. I want to cry when I talk about her. But, first of all, let me describe her... She was awesome, because she knew me by my name and she always encouraged me to do my best. She complimented my efforts, she taught me with questions, with stories, with books. She facilitated discussion and also, she helped me to learn things by myself.

As Luther King, I have a deep dream that one day I will can reach. I want to be a good teacher, the best one, like my remembered teacher, the woman who did a big influence with my future profession. But this dream for me may be interpreted on several different ways. As a student I feel a little inadequate or lack self confidence. In spite of these feelings that I have now, I am very excited to learn the skills of a teacher during my career and the rest of my life.

In others words, I want to be a good teacher because I think that there is no better way to participate in making positive changes for future generations than to teach children. Children are amazing little people that fascinate me in how quickly their minds develop knowledge. For that reason we as a future teachers play an extremely important role in society in which I want to be involved with.

To conclude, I think that there are many reasons why I want to be a teacher, the main one, is because I want to be a good influence on the future and also, because I love time that I spend working with children. I hope that one day I can reach my main and deep dream, to become in a teacher, a good one.


Thursday, 25 October 2007



we really need it?

Absolutely not.

So, why
don´t you quit?

Because I cannot.

This is a frequently answer from smokers.

What do we mean when we say that we cannot left them?

Smoking is one of the worst things that we can do against our own bodies. So, why do people smoke every single day?

According to the population, there is more than just one answer or reason why they smoke. Some of them may start smoking when they are kids because they feel very curious. Others may have the idea that smoking is a pleasure.

As a smoker I share the way of smokers think about cigarets. People feel that cigarets are a satisfaction or sometimes smoke means to feel more comfortable in social situations. But I have been thinking that people smoke cigarettes not because of their taste, they smoke them because of the sense of satisfaction that they get from them. After I wrote this I feel that this sounds like me, I mean I´m always saying that I smoke because they produced me a pleasure.

In spite of this sensation that sometimes we can feel with cigarets, people and I know that nicotine and other chemicals poisonous in tobacco can cause cancer and heart disease.

Some of the future illness that we can get from cigaretts are to have a bad breath, yellow teeth even we can have more colds and coughs. The longer we smoke, the worse the damage we do to our bodies and health. Because of that I think that I should stop to do it and think about wether the things I like about smoking are really worth risks. Economically is also bad, because we spend a lot of money buying them.

Nicotine can make us feel good, but we can also get from healthy activities like playing sports or help poor people.

The decision to start or continue smoking is all up to ourselves and no one can make us stop, but we should think really hard about whether it is the best thing for our body and life.

From now on, I will quit to smoking !

Victoria Pino Ruiz.


Thursday, 4 October 2007

My Magazine Article.

Sexual Education.

Attention Teachers !

"Wena Naty"

Some days ago, we as a nation were pretty surprised when a home video about a teenager nicknamed "Naty" who was having oral sex with a classmate was found on the web. The images were recorded from a cellphone and they are been circulating on the internet for several weeks, generating thousands of visits every day.

The big issue of this situation is that these images of this young girl are child porn which is considered a crime. For that reason these images are being turned into a topic of discussion in Chile about how sexual education is been showed at school.

Because of the video, "Naty" was expelled from her school, but the big question is; Did she have all the fault?. From my personal point of view, I think that she does not have fault, absolutely not, because she is a young girl who is been punished for her behaviour despite the fact that she had never received any information on these topic.

Naty´s expulsion from school it means that we are not support our students, and we should it, instead of stigmatizing and separating them. This situation is a help sign from our teens that we should be interpreted doing something important for them, like new politics about sexual education at school.

We, as a Chilean society have the great opportunity to discuss about sexual education with our children and families and tell them, that sex do not have anything bad, the thing is that we need to do it when we feel that we are prepared, because we love the other person and we must to do it with privacy. We can´t tell nor show all our lives to the internet, it could be dangerous.

((Victoria Pino.))

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Stop Bullying.


Bullying is a huge problem that new generations has been having at school. So many children are being involved together everyday in sort of bullying. The big question is, what exactly is bullying, should we worry about this big issue and what we can do to stop bullying?

First of all, Bullying is about power from one person over another, "a bully" wants to hurt the other person, it is not an accident and they do this everyday changing in a bad way the life of their victim.

Always, the bully seems to be self-confident, smarter, better or more popular than their classmates or coworkers. The bully has different ways to harassment over someone.

There are different ways that the bully do over other people, those are; calling them by names, say or write nasty things about them, sometimes they leave their victims out of activities, they ignored them and they make them feel uncomfortable or scared doing some damages over their things, they simply hit them or just they make them do things that they do not want to do.

Those attitudes
need to stop, because we should not allow the problems related with bullying continue damaging our society. We need to do some things to attack bullying from school in order to prevent, resolve and eliminate this awful attitude from our job and school system.

On the other hand, I think that the victims or people who has been bullied need to brake the silence. Is very important that they can tell someone even if it is hard to do it. Children can talk with their teachers or their parents. But is extremely important talk with someone in order to can do something to fight against this problem.

If you see that someone is being bullied do something, tell an adult or help them to do something to stop this attitude. Do not remain quiet, because if you are only watching you may give the impression that this behavior is normal.

At school every student becomes part of the solution. Do not be part
of bullying and do not enojoy of the silence.

Everything starts breaking the silence !!!


September, 19th.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Today´s World.

What is happening in our today society?

Have you ever sat down and really thought about the modern society problems that we have.

Do you value your belongings or your physical appearance more than you value friends, family, love, or yourself?

I have come to believe these issues has become a way of life in today’s society. The individual´s interests seems to be more important than everything. This means that for us is more important the way we look or our possessions in order to bring us happiness.

We use these possessions and our external appearance to feel successful. This "good" external appearance is the way to solve all our problems. We go through life contemplating that inner well being depends on what we have or do. We identify ourselves and others by what we wear, what we have, and what brands we sport.

Today´s human beings feels that is more important the way that we dress or the way people see us because of the status we gain from them. Appearance is much more important than it should be. I know that the physical appearance is the first thing that someone notice about you. But we are more than our external appearance, we are body and soul.

We can see this problem with young girls, they feel that their appearances are more important that their personality or their inside feelings. Last week I was so impressed about the sad news. A young girl died because of the disease that many young girls are dying, anorexia. Girls are dying because for her are more important her body appearance.

It seems that this horrible way of death is becoming fashionable and the guilty is the individualism that we have and because we do not care the world, the humans nor God creation.

However, we need to do something about this modern society problem, we have a big responsibility which is to protect our own life and the life that people that we love. We need to demonstrate that we are a God creation and everybody are equal in relation to the others.

We need to think and do something inmediately about this important problem...

By: Victoria Pino

September, 11th.

Monday, 3 September 2007

Education, Why do we need it?

Education - Why Do We Need It ?

We Don't Need No Education...
♫ ♫ ♫

As the title of the song from Pink Floyd I think that we absolutely need education and know more about that. That´s why last tuesday I could realized in a different way what is the real importance and the meaning that education has.

As I mentioned previously, last week I went to the central library to listen a seminar by Humberto Maturana who is a very known Chilean philosopher. He talked about of the challenges of the education that Latin America and Europe have. This seminar was so interesting for me, because this philosopher not only talked about his own thoughts about the formal education he really made us think about the real sense that educationation has in the present time.

Since I was thinkining about becoming a teacher I have been feeling that teaching is a very important task that also represents a big responsibility with our society, due to the main purpose of education is enable students to make a success life. Education to Maturana means " to draw out", facilitating realisation of self- potential and talents of an individual. And teachers have this big responsibility in their backs.

As we know education is a process in which an individual is encouraged and helped to develop his or her potential; it may also help for equipping an individual so he or her is a productive member for the society. Through teaching and learning, the individual acquires and develops knowledge and skills. There is an important distinction between education, which relates to a transactive process between a teacher and student, and learning, which is a process that happens internally for a student.

Maturana said that the education not only it is refers with the books that we need to read at school to have more knowledge, we need to do of our education something significant to our lives doing everything from our emotions, because they are the way to learn how to live in this society.

I am looking forward to learn more aspects about education, because it opens new doors to observe new knowledge.

((( Victoria Pino R. )))

September, 3rd.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

My experience as a black girl in the 60S.

♥ "Chocolate Princess". ♥


I would like to tell you my personal story. Set in the 60s as a woman who lived a lot of discrimination during this period.

Well, my name is Victoria and I was born and raised in Philadelphia. I was 17 when we started our national campaign of non-violence, because of the racism that "white people" had against all colored people.

I never really understood the reason why my family and I were different from other citizens in our neighborhood.

My mom always tried to explain me the situation with people like us and every morning she would wake me up and tell me that I needed to love myself and that no matter the color of the skin or place we lived, that did not make us unimportant.

When I started the secondary, everything was completely different. Because most of my classmates were white, as white as a sheet and some girls and I were afro-american as always my 7° grade teacher said.

I am not so sure if I want to tell you some of my daily routine as a black woman, due to our nation thought so different about blacks in the sixties and some of you could be feel hurt, but anyway I think that this issue should be always part of our memories.

Even though it was kind of hard for me to understand this, I finally understood that everybody is different. I felt so miserable when I was a young girl, but then everything was so clear.

I had to fight for my freedom, we had to fight against discrimination, we had to fight for respect and for a valuable space in society. That is why we all learned a lesson, the 60s are so important, because we went through a lot of pain and felt underappreciated in our own country. But we are fighters, and we fought and we won.

I think we are a role model for a lot of persons who are clueless about what to do with their lives, people who think that when something wrong happens or something becomes to difficult, they just give up.

See you soon,


August, 21 th.

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Martin Luther King, an American Value

The Sixties.

My Experiment.

I want to talk about the decade of the sixties, because of the amazing period in the social, cultural, and political history in the USA.

All my life I have been thinking that some time, maybe in another life, I was a woman who lived in North America. In most of my dreams, I am a professional woman who lived in the sixties and went through the feminist movement that improved the American women’s lives.

I love the sixties, because many of the revolutionary ideas, which began in that decade, are still developing. I think that people who lived in this period of the history are very lucky. They lived very important changes, like the civil rights that began peacefully, with Martin Luther King. Obviously the out-standing women liberation movements, the cold war, and the space race.

Another important movement were the hippies, who were mostly young people who rejected established institutions. They were so opposed to the nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War, and they even raised their ideologies about the sexual revolution.

One of the topics that I would like to emphasize is what Martin Luther King Jr. did to give justice for racism, discrimination and segregation in the USA. I loved the way that King appealed to "white Americans" to have tolerance and create conscience among the people in order to have a better nation.

He took the Bible as inspiration for writing his speeches, because he thought that was the greatest source to learn and teach values.

Finally, I can say that the sixties carried all the things relating to crime, drugs abused by the hippies, war with Vietnam, and endless years of complex racial discrimination. Still, because of the sixties, the United States is more open, more tolerant and a free country.

August, 9th.

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