Bullying is a huge problem that new generations has been having at school. So many children are being involved together everyday in sort of bullying. The big question is, what exactly is bullying, should we worry about this big issue and what we can do to stop bullying?
First of all, Bullying is about power from one person over another, "a bully" wants to hurt the other person, it is not an accident and they do this everyday changing in a bad way the life of their victim.
Always, the bully seems to be self-confident, smarter, better or more popular than their classmates or coworkers. The bully has different ways to harassment over someone.
There are different ways that the bully do over other people, those are; calling them by names, say or write nasty things about them, sometimes they leave their victims out of activities, they ignored them and they make them feel uncomfortable or scared doing some damages over their things, they simply hit them or just they make them do things that they do not want to do.
Those attitudes need to stop, because we should not allow the problems related with bullying continue damaging our society. We need to do some things to attack bullying from school in order to prevent, resolve and eliminate this awful attitude from our job and school system.
On the other hand, I think that the victims or people who has been bullied need to brake the silence. Is very important that they can tell someone even if it is hard to do it. Children can talk with their teachers or their parents. But is extremely important talk with someone in order to can do something to fight against this problem.
If you see that someone is being bullied do something, tell an adult or help them to do something to stop this attitude. Do not remain quiet, because if you are only watching you may give the impression that this behavior is normal.
At school every student becomes part of the solution. Do not be part
of bullying and do not enojoy of the silence.
Everything starts breaking the silence !!!
September, 19th.